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Neighbours Nostalgia

Julie - NEIGHBOURS showreel (1990s)


- Webisode 2017

Julie Martin nee Robinson

Julie Martin nee Robinson



Woman's Own

Woman's Own

Julie talks about Julie

Julie talks about Julie

Hannah, Jim, Julie & Helen Robinson

Hannah, Jim, Julie & Helen Robinson



Martin family returns

Martin family returns

A theme party

A theme party

Julie w Michael (aka Troy)

Julie w Michael (aka Troy)

Michael tries to drown Julie

Michael tries to drown Julie

I'm nice really

I'm nice really

Neighbours fitness

Neighbours fitness

Fans are rude sometimes!

Fans are rude sometimes!

I used to love that hat!

I used to love that hat!

Inside Soap

Inside Soap

Julie in style

Julie in style

Julie with Marnie Reece Wilmore

Julie with Marnie Reece Wilmore

2000 Anniversary!

2000 Anniversary!

Julie's getting up to mischielf

Julie's getting up to mischielf

Julie wants some action

Julie wants some action

Julie's fallen off the tower

Julie's fallen off the tower

Now Philip's up to mischief

Now Philip's up to mischief

Julie's leaving

Julie's leaving

Cast & crew on set

Cast & crew on set

Alessi Family

Alessi Family

NEIGHBOURS Nostalgia for ACTOR Julie Mullins

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