One actress. Many stories.
Actor / Writer Julie Mullins
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Kissing is the gateway to romantic love, but it isn’t all Rodin out there. Whether you’re 22 or 62 there are a lot of kisses that don’t fit before you find a good match.
Kissing is an art, a joy. And an unexpected upside of delaying marriage is that there’s more time to kiss… different people.
The theatrical heroine of To Kiss Or Not To Kiss boldly goes where many a woman has gone before but few have disclosed. Armed with style and humour she finds a healing kiss in the Queensland rainforest, a dangerous kiss at 3,000 feet, a kiss that ends in an arrest, and kisses that save her from being stranded on the streets of New York. From Mr Universe in Paris to Mr Too Cute in Firenze and Banana Man in London, the “girl who cain’t say no” chases romance across the globe in search of the kiss that will bring her heart home.
To Kiss Or Not To Kiss is a collection of honest stories about a woman’s search for love, told by a hopeful romantic, an actress who is not afraid to take risks, pick up her cues, love, laugh, create and cherish the drama of a passionate life.
Book Launch - 22 July 2015